Console connection

The DE10-nano board has a console port. The console allows you to login into Linux without a network connection and also provides some debug/info which is sometimes useful to track any problems.

Refer to the UART-to-USB (USB mini type B) connector on the right side of the board in the picture below:

Connection to PC

Connect the DE10-nano to your PC using the UART-to-USB (USB mini type B) connector next to the micro-USB port. The PC will recognize it as a virtual COM port. Use any console application such as PUTTY or TERATERM to connect using the associated COM port.

Verify that the COM port settings are correct:

  • Speed (baud rate) – 115200 bits per second
  • Data bits – 8
  • Stop bits – 1
  • Parity – none
  • Flow control – none


Login: root
Password: 1

Author: Admin